Thursday, April 7, 2011

Let's get fired up!

Hey all! Long time, no read.  I thought I would have a blog section on my new website, but I finally decided I can just have this website link embedded in the website and keep this simple blog for my blurbs and updates of training and such. 
Ok! So much to catch up on, I'll try not to type your eyes out.
My bike is here, assembled, checked over, decked out, and ready to roll! My Giant Avail 3 is white and blue, along with my matching shoes (coincidence. I just like blue).  It has no name yet, that must be earned, not forced.  We receive monthly newsletters from Bike & Build with tips, stories from alumni, updates, etc.  This last time had some stories about how bikes have earned their names in the past.  They were quiet cute. I'm waiting for that one Ah ha! moment. 
I'm slowly accumulating necessary gear and equipment, such as padded shorts, shoes, pedal, bike lock, helmet, lights, computer, air pump, repair stuff, gloves, knee warmers, arm warmers, chamois butt'r (aka skin lube) and water bottles.  Whew, I've actually made a lot of progress on the gear list, sweet! But, still to get are some more shorts, sunglasses, and a few odds and ends.  I did also get a camera, another drop-proof, water-proof one.  We'll see if this one is Sierra-proof (unlike the past 3 ones during college).
I've been trying to work on cardio and such in the fitness room while it was winter.  That's a whole new life style for someone who actively avoids exercise rooms, but I have discovered the satisfaction of a good workout. But, it's finally spring!! Less indoor, more outdoor, real-world training.
Fundraising is going great! We're at $3500! Only $500 left to go and there are still 46 days left until the trip! I'm working on thank yous still, time is of the minimum.  But I promise, your donation has not gone unappreciated!! Check out the website for the list of donors and tributes.
Also, everyone on Northland campus is so encouraging! So many people have offered to join on rides, to teach me how to change tires, and tons and tons of moral support.  After spring break at the end of the month, all my efforts can be focused on affordable housing awareness & my bike trip.  Right now, I'm working on fundraising another $5000 for our volunteer group to travel to Miami, Florida during spring break to build with Habitat for Humanity.  But, during May term, I'll have information board up and collect some donations towards the trip.  Many bike trips are coming up with student groups, so there are lots of opportunities to ride.
Keep checking in periodically for updates. This will be my blog location for the duration of the summer!

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