Friday, April 15, 2011

Unintentional gear head.

This past Sunday, I joined my first group ride.  It was a chilly, cloudy day with a chance of rain.  Perfect day to don all my gear I've been required to buy for days like that during the summer.  A cold & wet biker is not a happy biker, especially extended over 75 miles. 
I roll up to the Sunshine Community Bike Shoppe on campus to wait for the other group members of the day's ride.  Today's leader and current bike shoppe operator, Jeremiah Cornehl, took the opportunity to make a comment on my attire..
Here I am, extreme newbie to the cycling world, decked out in a Bike & Build jersey, Pearl Izumi padded bike shorts, Pearl Izumi clipless shoes with compatible pedals, bike gloves, Specialized arm and knee warmers, all cruisin' around on my sexy Giant Avail 3, which is equipped with repair kit, lights, and a nifty bike lock. Now I can appreciate the irony of this scene.  I know these aren't top name brand items, but they hold their own in the biking world.  Jeremiah states (paraphrased):  No offense, but I've been biking for years and I don't have any of that sort of bike gear.
Fair enough.  I've known people who, when they pick up a new hobby, they feel like they need the latest and greatest equipment so they can fit in with the already established crowd.  [Extremely annoying thing to do - gear heads without knowledge to base it on]. This is very far from the case with me.  I've bought all this gear, most of which I'd never heard of before, because its on the required list of stuff to make it across country comfortably and safely this summer.  I agree that I haven't "earned" my spot in the biking community yet, but I'm working hard to.  
I vow: This unintentional gear head will earn her right to own everything she owns.  
On top of the research I've had to do to even understand what everything is and why I need it, I will learn how to use everything, learn the lingo, learn how to fix things, and then, most importantly, help others who are just learning because the memory of being the newbie will still be fresh in my mind, even after the summer.
(Side note:  I don't personally refer to my bike as sexy, though others in the field have; recommending I make a calendar of my bike in various places and sell them as a fundraiser. My bike has earned her spotlight just by being her.)
I reserve the remained of my time. (I've been brushin' up on my CSPAN lingo as well).

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sierra,
    I think I met you at Book Across the Bay. But then again, there were so many people there that the evening is a blur. My daughter is Christina Vik and I believe we have picture of you jumping in Lake Superior with her. :) This trip sounds like quite an amazing adventure. I enjoyed reading your posts so far. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing your journey.
