Friday, May 27, 2011

Ritz, Road, Roof, Roll out, Rural, Rain.

Whew, what a time.  I arrived in Charleston late Saturday night at stayed at a beach house with 4 other bikers.  It was a snazzy rental place that was cheaper than a hotel when split among us all.  We didn't have orientation until Monday afternoon so we did what any good young adult does when they are 200 yards from the beach, and laid on the beach for hours on end.  Monday & Tuesday were a whirlwind of name games, bike lessons, affordable housing lessons, etc.  I will soon have 32 new friends on Facebook, which makes our real life friendships legitament. Haha! Wednesday was our first build day! It's amazing what 33 people can get done.  We looked like army ants scurrying every where, destoying everything in our path. We took off a roof and put a new one back on! I got to use a sweep scraper/pryer thing to get shingles off, then sweated in the sun to lay tar paper and new shingles.  We almost got the entire roof done, except the showers we were using at the local college closed at 5pm, so we had to scidaddle too early.  Then, the moment we've all been waiting for.... Thursday!! After passing all our bikes over a handrail down to the beach, we had our dip ceremony:  all 33 riders & leaders line up and dip their back tires in the Atlantic Ocean.  Then, once we hit Santa Cruz in 11 weeks, we dip our front tires in (then toss aside the bikes and swim in our gear). The first day was a short 34 miles to little Pinopolis.  We had to account for all the time it'd take in the AM to pack, eat, load gear, for 33 people.  That's a lot of people!! Very overwhelming at times.  When we walk into a place, if it wasn't happenin' before, it will be once we're there. Today's ride was 67 miles to Sumter, SC, partially in the rain.  But that felt good in this southern heat.  It's not overwhelming yet, but it will be as the summer days tick away. We've had delicious meals provided each night so far by the churches we stay at. It's been a great start to a summer I can't believe is finally underway!! 33 personalities and bikes. Get excited for stories when I have more time to blog! Updates about once a week, or when I can find libraries so I don't have to use other people's iPad things. Til next time :)

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