Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Who do we ride for? Christina!

As many have already heard, one of our trip leaders, Christina Genco, was struck and killed by a vehicle on Monday, June 6th. I will include several links that can describe different aspects of the story, but I thought it'd be appropriate the type a bit from my perspective of the day (at least what I can manage while touch screen typing on a borrowed iPad).
We left Rome, Georgia that bright, sunny Monday enroute to Scottsboro, Alabama. It was a long 70mile day ahead of us, but we'd get through it. After about 15-20 ,lies, I crossed the Alabama state line on a back road with Christina, Jeremy, Cecilia, & Kara. The state line had been chalked by a fellow rider earlier as there was no sign on this country road. We stopped to tAke fun photos before hitting the highway, where we doubled back a bit to catch the actual state line sign. After that stop, I broke off from the larger group and rode the remained of the relaxing country ride with Cecilia. We had a grueling 2-3 mile incline to conquer before reaching lunch. A few breather breaks later, we made it to the top. We munched on leftovers before checking out the waterfall. Due to the long, mildly challenging day and repairs at the previous host, the group was very spread out, with the first group leaving as we pulled in as the middle of the pack, then the last people not arriving til we were leaving - creating a several hour spread between all the groups.
We clammered downr the rocks to jump in the water, swim around, and play in the waterfall (using extreme water safety caution, of course). Christina & the crew she was at lunch with were heading out as me & my speed crew were jumping in. We had a grea time, swimming, relaxing, tromping through the woods. Cecilia & I finally left lunch after cleaning up, meeting up with Dits while cruising down some hills into the town of Rainsville. We had definitely earned that downhill flying decent. As we rode throguh town, we were motioned over to a Sonic where many riders had gathered. We assumed it was a nice QLB (quality of life break). But as we pulled in, Travis told us the news about Christina. She & Jeremy were about 20 miles ahead when it happened. We joined the other 8 riders sitting outside the Sonic in utter disbelief. We consoled each other and made sure everyone was okay physically. We let the other leaders know where we were, had several local group representatives introduce themselves saying they'd either seen it or heard and offered to help. I don't know how long we were actually sitting there, but Stan eventually came with the riders at lunch and dropped them off while he went to get other riders ahead of us. While waiting, we saw the ambulance fly by toward the hospital.. I just lost it then. Eventually, we were taken via police van to the host in Scottsboro to meet the rest of the group. Our bikes transported via box truck. As we neared the top of the hill a few miles down, traffic slowed to one lane, where we slowly went by the accident site. Her bike was still there, as were orange circles outlining her things. It was unreal.
We had a gathering in the church once we all arrived to relay all information, which wasn't much, and to have a small remembrance and prayer for her. We were all pretty much in disbelief/zombie zone the next couple days. We had group talk that night, group counseling to tell "our story", like I'm doing now, then individual counselors were available the rest of the days.
We were kept busy & fed by local people, all wanting to help -went to A lake house, pool, anything to keep us busy. We had a build day on Thursday, which was great to feel useful again. We then were udder to Boston, where Christina was from. Her family had come down for the week to be with us and see the site and what not. We arrived Saturday night, had dinner at Christina's house, which was overflowing with family, friends and B&B alumni. Sunday allowed time for sight seeing befor ethe wake that afternoon. There was a line out the door and around the corner. Sunday morning was the funeral service, held in a large, large sanctuary. It was filled, plus standing people in the back. There were easily 500 people in attendance. Absolutely unbelievable! Bike & Build had a reserved section behind the family and there were probably almost 100 lacrosse girls she'd coached next to us. Jeremy, her brother, and her mother gave excellent eulogies, very touching and well said. She was buried next to a brook in a very gorgeous cemetery. Lunch after which had slideshows from friends and her computer. Unbelievable turnout and support from everyone.
We're now enroute to Little Rock, AR to resume our trip as schedule. We will arrive Wednesday afternoon, "day off" Thursday, where we plan to have a shake down ride to get used to the idea of being back on the road before taking on the next 4 days leading into Oklahoma City. These days look like 80-100 miles days each.
Please keep our group in your thoughts as each of us heals and handles grief in different ways. We are each others best support system as we're all going through the same thing, but outside support doesn't hurt either :)
Photos for Christina
Bike & Build blurb about the accident
Jeremy's post on Christina's blog

1 comment:

  1. This morning the Portland ME- Santa Barbara CA group dipped their wheels off of East End Beach in Portland as they prepared for their trek across country. The first thing they did was draw a mural of chalk in remembrance of Paige and Christina. All of us (Habitat staff, attending riders' family members, and riders) paused for an extended moment of silence, and while there were smiles there were definitely some tears. We hope the B&B community and Christina's family know that she has been in the hearts and minds of the Habifamily here and abroad as well.
